What somatic Approaches Are Used in therapy?
I’ve completed specializations in several complementary somatic approaches.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) focuses on the sensory experiences of the body to access and process traumatic memories and emotions. It uses techniques such as mindfulness, breathing, and movement to help individuals regulate their physical and emotional responses and increase their awareness of their bodies.
Parts work (i.e., character/adaptive strategies, Internal Family Systems) involves exploring the different parts of oneself that may hold contrasting beliefs, emotions, or sensations. By acknowledging and validating each part's unique voice and perspective, you can begin to heal emotional wounds and integrate conflicting beliefs or emotions. This process leads to a greater sense of wholeness, self-compassion and confidence in ability to create the changes you desire.
Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) is a creative process that utilizes imagery, symbolism, and gesture to facilitate the emergence of emotions or unconscious experiences and promote new meaning-making. At its core, DMT philosophy is grounded in the mind-body connection, recognizing the impact that physical movement has on our physiology and psychology. By expanding our range of motion and attending to the quality of our movement, we can tap into a deeper awareness of our bodies and emotions, and achieve greater well-being.